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Every day is a chance to be better

Golfing for good at UHG Charity Golf Event

September 2021

A proud moment to sponsor the UHG Charity Golf Event – an annual event that supports nonprofits and community-centered organizations. The UHG Charity Golf Event brings us together to engage in a fun and rewarding day devoted to serving others and rallying support for worthy organizations that make a difference in our local communities. 100% of the sponsorship fund goes directly to this year’s three beneficiaries.

The event was hosted at the Majestic Oaks Golf Club, Ham Lake, MN. This event has become an annual ‘family reunion’ of the fantastic group of people from UHG, their partners, and customers who have supported it year after year.

Since 1997, the UnitedHealth Group (UHG) Charity Golf Event has raised millions of dollars, supporting 43 charitable non-profit organizations. CRMIT Solutions is committed to supporting the UHG Charity Golf Event year on year.

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CRMIT donates laptops to Tarachand Hospital

August 2021

CRMIT donated their used laptops and other electronic gadgets to Tarachand Charitable Hospital Trust in Pune. Seth Tarachand Ramnath Charitable Ayurvedic Hospital Trust is a non-profit organization, established in 1926 that works primarily in the domain of Health. Its primary office is in Pune, Maharashtra.

The pandemic has challenged many and hospitals noted the need for centralized, consistent communication and public information. They also realized the need for a central repository for all COVID-19–related guidance, data, and information. The need for digital consulting, e-consulting also was the need of the hour.

At the Tarachand charity trust hospitals, these computers are used for multiple tasks such as maintaining the information of patients, records, live monitoring of patients, X-rays, and many more. These computers are also helpful to reduce patient wait time, minimize human errors, lower risk for hospital-acquired infections, better healthcare experience, and lower costs.

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A fun RUN that, isn't about winning

At the Tarachand charity trust hospitals, these computers are used for multiple tasks such as maintaining the information of patients, records, live monitoring of patients, X-rays, and many more. These computers are also helpful to reduce patient wait time, minimize human errors, lower risk for hospital-acquired infections, better healthcare experience, and lower costs.

A proud moment to be a part of this amazing fund raiser – Connor’s Run – Sept 2021.

Will Bosna did a Connor’s Run to support the brave and awesome kids fighting brain cancer – the #1 disease killer of young people, and to fund the science that will one day end pediatrics brain cancer.

Brain cancer research is on the tipping point. We can all be part of making important breakthroughs happen. Our participation is something that we can do to support the science and in the meantime the patients. For all the people out there currently battling brain tumors and for those who couldn’t wait for research to progress any longer.

Our donation is a humble attempt to change the odds for young people.

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Fundraiser to procure Oxygen concentrators

June 2021

CRMIT Solutions raised funds for Swasth Digital Health Foundation. The Swasth Digital Health Foundation along with ACT Grants is looking to procure oxygen concentrators and channel them to hospitals across levels of care in remote areas for COVID response and long-term health system strengthening. These oxygen concentrators can save many thousands of lives and bolster much-needed resources for hospitals. They can also be used to treat outpatients, reducing the load on hospital beds and easing the stress faced by patients. Swasth has now deployed OCs in 33 states and union territories, covering 416 districts — that’s nearly 70% of India’s geographical reach accounted for.

The second wave has taught us that we cannot only build a health system for the issues we’re facing today but also need to strengthen it for future challenges, including a possible third wave. The remaining funds have gone towards other supplies, including oximeters and BiPAPs. As the second wave abates in most of the country, we are rethinking how we deploy OCs, and focusing on longer-term health system strengthening, beyond the crisis we’re beginning to emerge from now.

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As a technology company, CRMIT is conscious of its corporate social responsibility. At CRMIT, we believe that our lives are richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes from helping others to better their lives. Our small gestures also bring a little joy in the lives of others. Truly giving from the heart fills your life with joy and nourishes your soul. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others”. Giving takes you out of yourself and allows you to expand beyond earthly limitations.

Celebrating Republic Day at Swanthana

On the occasion of our Republic Day, a CSR event dedicated to the kids of Swanthana, an NGO committed to rescuing and nurturing differently abled girl child was organized. CRMIT team visited Swanthana and brought in a little cheer to many kids at Swanthana. With the vision to contribute to enriching the lives of the differently abled girl child, we at CRMIT supported Swanthana by making a positive difference. CRMITians were requested to contribute a minimum of 1day salary and our team enthusiastically pitched in and we witnessed an abundance of donations.

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We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. Make-A-Wish® Georgia has granted over 6,000 wishes in their local community. It inspires us to support Make-A-Wish® Georgia and grant wishes that change the lives of the kids they serve.

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"Blood Donation Camp - 2019"

CRMIT's Council for Social Responsibility organized Blood Donation Camp in association with Rotary International and Indian Red Cross Society (Karnataka State Branch) in June 2019. The Council for Social Responsibility canvassed for this noble cause and was able to garner over 150+ donors from within the Fortune Summit campus. In presence of highly qualified doctors and technicians from Indian Red Cross Society
and Rotary Club the employees and staff donated over 150+ units in the camp. Donors also received a certification from Red Cross for free blood units in exchange of blood donated. CRMITians were "Proud Blood Donors" and witness to the another contribution to society’s betterment.

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With "SHARE"[Synergy, Help and Responsibility Exchange] your old clothes, stationary, books, CDs and toys can bring happiness to another child. "SHARE" is a Synergy Services initiative and together we hope to light up the faces of as many underprivileged children as we can.

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"paper.less" is an organization-wide initiative that aims at environment-friendly behaviors in daily operations. The initiative aims to build awareness, recognize and contribute to the need to conserve national resources and explore clean technology.

Together with our partners, we create lasting value

We believe every day is a chance to be better. And through our investments in our employees, our workplace, and the communities we are honored to serve. By living our values and acting with purpose, we continue to evolve our own story-striving to uphold ‘CRMIT Solutions’ commitment to make every day better than the last.

We demonstrate this through our values and actions as a company. CRMIT Solutions has always been passionate about creating a good customer experience. But while we love to create compelling and engaging experiences for customers globally, we’re even more passionate about creating values within our own story.