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Stock Of “Kudos”

April 6, 2012

Oracle Fusion CRM has various interesting features, once of them called “Kudos”.

You can see this via Navigator > My Portrait. If you don’t see Kudos option, click on the downward arrow in this page, and expand the portlet called “Kudos”.

This page shows all the “Kudos” (or Praise) given / received by the current employee across the organization. It says on which day the person gave (or got) kudos to (or from) whom, and for what reason.

This doesn’t add too much of value as a CRM application, but is a very valuable HR function. There are many other similar features in this page such as Career Planning, Development and Growth, Experience and Qualifications etc., These shows how powerfully Fusion Apps are integrated across.

Tags: Article, CRM application, Stock Of Kudos, Valuable, Valuable HR Function

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