. Oracle Fusion CRM - CRMIT Solutions

Oracle Fusion CRM

January 3, 2012

For the past few weeks, we are exploring Oracle Fusion CRM Application. Our main interest is in understanding this product, comparing it with other Oracle CRM Products we have expertise in (Oracle CRM On Demand, Siebel CRM) and looking at value adds when people move from one of these CRMs to Fusion CRM.

On This regard, our Senior Director and CRM Consultant Venkatesan Sundaram has prepared a long list of features which are unique in Fusion CRM, when compared to Oracle CRM On Demand:

  • Ability to index desired fields
  • Controlling the length of fields
  • Ability to set custom relationships between objects
  • 625 fields per object
  • Contextual Help @ Field Level
  • CLOB for long text (Unlike 255 characters restrictions in CRM OnDemand)
  • Basic validations are easily configurable like max length, min length, number of decimal places, max value, min value etc rather than a need to create validation rule
  • Dynamic choice list to limit the records displayed on look-up depending on the context of association
  • Formula Fields
  • Sub tabs
  • Custom Buttons that On click can run an external routine
  • Groovy Scripting providing superior facility to write complex validation / business rules
  • A comprehensive set of trigger events
  • Advanced workflows – Ability to send template based rich email messages, ability to send outbound message like an external WS. Exposing workflows via WS, etc
We are also excited about these features and are exploring further, we will share more details as and when they are available. Share your thoughts / expectations on Oracle Fusion CRM in comments.

Tags: Blog, CRM application, Oracle Fusion CRM

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