. Oracle CRM On Demand For Travel Industry : Part 2 - CRMIT Solutions

Oracle CRM On Demand For Travel Industry : Part 2

April 2, 2012

Organizing Customer Information With CRM On-Demand

In the previous article, we discussed about how Oracle CRM On Demand (CRMOD) can help Travel Industry through various facets. Here we will discuss in detail how CRMOD can integrate with travel and tourism vertical.

Currently, online reservations are the most preferred choices for travelling. For instance, think of a situation, where more than fifty people are visiting your website in a day. Half of them make online booking for specific destinations, while some of them just enquire and rest cancel their reservations. What do you do to make a record of this? Do you store all these records and customer information in excel files? And if yes, how do you sort this data when you need it?

Now think of a Software-as-a-Service (Saas) that captures visitor’s information and allows you to view this data in a more organized manner. With this, you can keep a track of all the visitors who have made an inquiry or have made reservations or even who have cancelled their trips. Doesn’t that seem more convenient?

CRM On-Demand provides you an easy way to store information about every visitor who visits your website and makes an inquiry. This is done regardless of the fact that online reservation has been made or not.

Now let us discuss this in detail.

This is the home page of CRM On-Demand. It not only allows you to keep a track record of all the visitors who visited your website, but also stores other required information, as well. The word “lead” here refers to any individual or group of individuals that show interest in making a booking through your services.

This was just the phase one. And if any of the visitors approach you for booking a trip through office-visit, website, phone call or email, you can add him as your contact and create an account for your new customer. CRM On-Demand allows you to convert any of the “leads” as contacts and add all the necessary details.

Once the booking is confirmed, you can save all the required documents and credentials in CRMOD directly and can manage this information for future reference. This provides you a secured way to mange your customer records including visa, passport, birth certificate etc. In addition to this, it also helps you send notification mails to your customers, for instance, reminding them for passport or visa renewal and travel insurance,

In addition to this, CRM On-Demand is available as a cloud application, that is, you need not to install or download. In fact, this On-Demand solution is available on premise.

(To Be Continued in Part 3)

Charu Mehta, Sai Ratnakar & Sushma Reddy 

CRM Consultants, CRMIT

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