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Customer Experience Management: A Podcast

June 14, 2012

We at CRMIT believe that Customer Experience Management is one of the emerging trends, where the future lies. This may mean ‘CRM is not enough, it’s going to be CEM Era now!’ and we are thrilled to be part of this journey.

Last week, CRMIT had an internal discussion on the topic of CEM / CXM / CX … Whatever name you want to attach to it, The discussion focused on how customer experience affects overall satisfaction with a product or a service.

Naga Chokkanathan, Sai Ratnakar, and Sreejith Satheesan from CRMIT discuss various use cases on Customer Experience Management in this podcast. You can listen to it from one of these locations:

Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/crmitsolutions/customer-experience

Tags: customer Experience Management, Podcast, SoundCloud

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