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CRM++ Email Workbench: Stitching the worlds of CRM and E-mail

August 29, 2011

In today’s world the ‘Customer Satisfaction’ and experience is a key performance indicator within any business verticals. Thus, Service requests/ complaints/ grievances coming from the customers through multiple communication channels; CRM Systems, E-mail, Phone etc. needs to be administered well.

Till date the E-mail Messages sent / responses received from the customers were manually updated in CRM System by the Service Request Owner leading to unnecessary manual work and possible human errors.

Also, the new service issues from customers were to be manually converted to new Service Requests. Quick Response time is a critical factor and directly affects the end user satisfaction. This conversion was leading to a delay in response time.

CRMIT’s CRM++ Email Work Bench solution is a Web Based plug-in can now be used in place of the Outlook. This SaaS based component allows the Service Organizations to work in a single window that is the CRM System, and helps send/receive/process E-mails from the customers.

E-mails can be automatically tracked, converted as New Service Requests/ Activities, including the attachment sent along with these. CRM Users can respond to these E-mails, without leaving their CRM Screens.


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